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Flora's Walk Guelph

The Second Annual Flora's Walk in Guelph will be taking place on Saturday May 3rd 2025 at Hanlon Creek Park! 

This May, the charity Healthy Start, Healthy Future (816534291RR0001) is holding the fourth annual Flora’s Walk for Perinatal Mental Health. Volunteers are planning walks across Canada, which raise funds for crucial postpartum services for new parents and their families. The walk is lovingly named after Flora, a Canadian mom who tragically lost her life to a perinatal mental health disorder a few months after her daughter was born in 2022.

If you would like to participate, sponsor, or help organize in any way, please reach out to with any questions.


Where does the money go?

30% of the funding goes towards supporting the good work of the Life With a Baby Foundation Peer Support Programs and 70% of funds raised go back to our local Guelph Community. 

This year, we are so excited to announce that our 2 funding recipients will be:


Guelph's Community Access Midwifery Program

The CAMP program at Guelph Community Health Centre provides pregnancy, postpartum and reproductive care for folks experiencing barriers within our health system. They serve two main priority populations:

  • folks who are racialized, uninsured, or newcomers

  • folks with a history of using substances, who are experiencing homelessness, or who have complex mental health.


Their team of four Registered Midwives provide clinical care at no cost to their clients.

The money fundraised through Flora’s walk will be applied to their outreach and supportive programs like their group drop-in programs including one for racialized parents. 

Guelph Family Health Team's PostPartum Support Group Programming 

(Pending approval. ..hopefully soon!)

This program is a free program open to people during and after pregnancy who are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms and who live in the city of Guelph or have a family doctor with the Guelph Family Health Team.

To Learn more or connect with their programs follow the link here

What is Flora's Walk?

Flora’s Walk is Canada’s largest perinatal mental health fundraiser taking place in over 50 cities across Canada. The event culminates in May, World Maternal Mental Health Month, where, after months of fundraising and planning, walks and events are held in cities across Canada throughout the month of May to call attention to the need for improved perinatal mental health care.


Who is Flora? (Flora's Story)

Flora’s Walk is named after Canadian mother, Flora, who tragically lost her life in 2022 to undetected, undiagnosed and untreated postpartum psychosis. We honour Flora and all those who have lost their lives to perinatal mental illness and fight for those struggling to receive care.

Read more about Flora's Story Here


How can I get involved?

Here are the different ways you can get involved: 


1. Simply DONATE 💲right now to Team Guelph  

2. Sign up ✅ Join Team GUELPH and start fundraising with us! You can create a page of your own under our team and share it with your friends/family. (You don’t have to sign up to join us for the walk though!)


3. Sponsorship 💚 Follow this link if you are interested in sponsoring any part of the event through a monetary donation. Reach out to if you would like to donate items or services towards the event (snacks, coffee, water, etc.)


4. Show up 🏃🏽‍♀️ Walk with us on May 3rd at Hanlon Creek Park! Join us, this is a family friendly walk!


You can follow us on Instagram at @floraswalkguelph for more info! 

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Disclaimer: Michelle Green is a VOLUNTEER Lead for this event. Her business does not benefit financially from any donations or sponsorships made towards Flora's Walk. This page was created to provide clarity for Flora's Walk Guelph Participants. 

As a virtual healthcare practitioner in Ontario I recognize that I work with clients who reside, and also personally reside as a settler on stolen land.


As a resident of Wellington  county I recognize that I am situated on land with multiple Treaties within the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee and this has and continues to be, inhabited by other nations throughout time such as the Attawandaron, Métis and the Inuit. 

As a Registered Healthcare Practitioner, I recognize that my field of healthcare has caused significant harm, and continues to oppress and marginalize many peoples through the colonial practices of its history. I am committed to continuous learning about how I can reduce harm and hold space for healing and connection in my personal and professional life. 

© 2024 by Michelle Green RP. Website Designed by Noice Marketing.

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